Cemetery Map
Mon, 02/22/2021 - 14:34
View the interactive cemetery map.
Schedule of Cemetery Fees (Effective 9/1/2024)
Grave Space $1000.00
Grave Opening/Closing Fees:
Regular Grave Space $800.00 (Effective 9/1/2024)
Cremation Ash Burial $125.00
Individual burial lots are available in the Chatham Memorial Cemetery on the North side of Walnut Street. Once grave spaces and cornerstones are completely paid for, there will be a deed issued to the owner(s).
The Village of Chatham offers the option of making payments on contract with the Village. However, if payments are not received on a monthly basis, the lot will be returned back to the village.
Please contact the Village office at (217) 483-2451 to learn which lots are available for purchase.